Betta Fish Tank Mates: The Ultimate Compatibility Guide for 2024

Betta Fish are one of my favorite fish to keep in an aquarium. Best known for their beautiful coloration yet territorial nature, many people don’t know you can keep Bettas with other fish! See below for the Ultimate Betta Fish Tank Mates Compatibility Guide!
It should be noted that Bettas are generally difficult to keep with each other unless you take certain steps. A male Betta Fish should not be kept with another male, though female Betta Fish can coexist as a sorority. A sorority is a community tank of female betta fish, generally with four or more members. This guide will focus on other fish species you can keep with your Betta! Interested in more information about Bala Sharks? View our species guide for information like How Fast do Bala Sharks Grow, What to Feed Bala Sharks, and Bala Shark Lifespan: Here.
What Makes An Ideal Tank Mate For Betta Fish?
Betta Fish can act aggressively towards one another because of their territorial nature. However, they welcome other fishes provided they have enough space to swim in and places to hide.
So, what fish can go with betas? Betta Fish prefer fast-swimmers with shorter fins, generally bottom dwellers or mid-level swimmers, that have similar nutritional requirements and can thrive in a tropical fish tank.
Betta Fish Care and Information
Characteristic | Detail |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Care Level | Easy |
Diet | Bloodworms, Brine shrimp, Daphnia, and Vinegar eels |
Adult Size | 2.5 — 3.5 inches |
Lifespan | 2 — 5 years |
Water Temperature | 75℉ — 82℉ |
Water pH | 6.5 — 7.5 |
Tank Size | Minimum of 5 Gallons |
The Best Betta Fish Tank Mates
1. Corydoras Catfish

Characteristic | Detail |
Care Level | Easy |
Adult Size | 3 inches |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Lifespan | 4 years |
Social Requirements | Best kept in groups of 4+ |
Cory Catfish thrive when you keep them in a school of four or more. Sinking pellet foods are the most appropriate for them as they are bottom dwellers. Corys also do well when in water conditions similar to Betta Fish.
2. Feeder Guppies

Characteristic | Detail |
Care Level | Easy |
Adult Size | 1 – 2 inches |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Lifespan | 2 – 5 years |
Social Requirements | Can be kept alone or in a group |
3. Neon Tetra

Characteristic | Detail |
Care Level | Easy |
Adult Size | 1 – 2 inches |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Lifespan | 5 – 10 years |
Social Requirements | Group of 6+ |
It is better to keep them in a school as they will grow stressed if kept alone. Similarly, you should include a lot of plants and places to hide. Neon Tetras are fast-moving fish, and their beautiful coloration make them a great compliment to your Betta!
4. Clown Plecos

Characteristic | Detail |
Care Level | Medium |
Adult Size | 4 inches. They are the dwarf members of the species. |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Lifespan | 10 – 15 years |
Social Requirements | Can be kept alone as a single fish. |
Clown Plecos are one of the best algae eaters you can keep with Betta Fish, so they should help with the cleaning of your fish tanks. You should supplement their diet with plant based sinking pellets.
5. Endler’s Live-bearers

Characteristic | Detail |
Care Level | Easy |
Adult Size | 1 – 1.5 inches |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Lifespan | 3 – 4 years |
Social Requirements | Group of 6 or more |
These fishes also love their tank fully decorated with natural vegetation and algae to keep their fries safe after spawning.
6. Platies

Characteristic | Detail |
Care Level | Easy |
Adult Size | Up to 5 inches |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Lifespan | 5 years |
Social Requirements | Best kept in pairs |
As another live bearer, you should keep plants such as Java Moss if you plan on breeding them with your Betta Fish in the tank.
7. Kuhli Loach

Characteristic | Detail |
Care Level | Easy |
Adult Size | 2 – 3.5 inches |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Lifespan | 3 – 4 years |
Social Requirements | Best kept in groups of 3+ |
Kuhli Loaches are a perfect fit for your Betta Fish, as they will tend avoid each other even if your Betta Fish is a more aggressive one. They also help clean up the tank as they are bottom dwellers and will help pick up the excess food at the bottom of the tank.
8. Mollies

Characteristic | Detail |
Care Level | Easy |
Adult Size | 3 – 4.5 inches |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Lifespan | 3 – 5 years |
Social Requirements | Best kept in pairs or more |
Mollies are foragers and will swim at all levels of the tank. Try to avoid the forms with longer fins, as Bettas may be more aggressive with them.
9. Harlequin Rasbora

Characteristic | Detail |
Care Level | Easy |
Adult Size | 1.5 – 2 inches |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Lifespan | 5 – 8 years |
Social Requirements | Group of 5+ |
They should be kept in a group of at least five, and will ad very fun dynamic to your tank!
10. Otocinclus Catfish

Characteristic | Detail |
Care Level | Easy |
Adult Size | 2 – 2.5 inches |
Temperament | Peaceful |
Lifespan | 3 – 5 years |
Social Requirements | Group of 6+ |
Other Things To Consider for your Betta Fish Tank Mates
Betta Fish are known to be aggressive – they love their territory and sometimes can’t share with any fish. To avoid Bettas attacking other fish that you had, it is essential to plan ahead.
The compatibility of your Betta will depend on the specific fish, so it’s a good idea to have an extra tank in case things don’t go as planned after adding other fishes with your Betta.
Minimum Tank Size
The first factor you should consider is the tank size. Many fish love to have their own space, so get a tank big enough for all the fishes to have enough swimming space to avoid disputes in the tank.
Fish Size
Size is an essential factor to consider when selecting a tank mate for our betta fish. Betta Fish can be very aggressive towards other fish that look similar to them, and with full-flowing fins.
Smaller tropical fishes are excellent choices, but make sure you don’t overcrowd the tank! At the same time, you should avoid keeping fishes that are significantly bigger and more aggressive than Betta Fish, as they might see them as a threat.
Care Level
As an amateur or professional, it is better to keep fishes with the same care level together. Keeping hardy fish with those that are more sensitive can cause stress for them due to inadequate water requirements.
Betta Fish Tank Mates Summary
As you’ve observed, there are numerous fish compatible with bettas, making the search for the best tank mates for your Siamese fighting fish an exciting journey. Whether you’re looking specifically for female betta tank mates or just compatible betta fish tank mates in general, you’re bound to find great tank mates that coexist harmoniously in a community betta tank.
REMEMBER: whether housing male or female bettas, ensure you have enough space and plenty of hiding spots to keep all your finned friends content.
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