The Definitive Oranda Goldfish Care Guide (2024)

Oranda Goldfish are one of the most popular varieties in the entire world. Their chunky bodies, thick crown, and adorable way of swimming are all captivating. And they are as brightly colored as any other goldfish. Orange, blue, black, and white Orandas can be found in most pet stores.
Don’t let their royal appearance intimidate you:
- Elegant looks? Sure.
- Fun, quirky personality? Yep.
- Good roomie to other fish? Absolutely.
If you’re picturing just a basic bowl and pebbles, think again. The Oranda’s flair can jazz up any setup. Ideal for those looking to add a little “oomph” to their aquarium.
But what does it take to care for these striking fancy goldfish? This in-depth guide to Oranda goldfish care will cover everything you need to know. Feeding, breeding, aquarium size, water conditions.
There’s no element left unexplored here!
Oranda Care Guide
- Scientific Name: Carassius auratus
- Adult Size: 8-12 inches
- Temperament: Peaceful
- Lifespan: 20-30 Years
- Care Level: Beginner
- Water Temperature: 60-72℉
- Appearance: Gold and blue spangled with a dark purple to black background
- Water pH: 7.0-8.0
- Diet: Omnivorous
- Tank Size: 20+ Gallons

Overview of Oranda Goldfish
Oranda Goldfish are large, slow-moving fish (often recognized for their distinctive “crown”) stand as one of the grand spectacles of the freshwater aquarium scene. Goldfish are entirely peaceful towards their tank mates and each other. In fact, you should be careful to choose tank mates that aren’t territorial.
NOTE: Even if they are much smaller than your Oranda they will cause them significant stress since goldfish don’t understand what territories are.
Goldfish of all varieties spend most of their time in the midwater and lower water column. They dig in the substrate for worms, algae, snails, and other treats.
Fun Fact: when full, an Oranda Goldfish is always on the lookout for a hidden bit of food along the bottom.
Oranda Goldfish Appearance
Originating from parts of Asia, their majestic appearance is complemented by flowing fins and a distinctive cap (often on the red cap oranda) earning them a spot as the royalty of freshwater tanks. They can come in shades like blue oranda, chocolate oranda, and, yes, black oranda goldfish, making them a kaleidoscope of cool among goldfish species.
The wen on a red cap oranda goldfish is especially iconic.
Goldfish are very distinctive and easy to identify. They have a thick, chunky body compared to a Comet or Shubunkin. Classic Orandas have a double tail but sometimes you will find one with a single tail.
How Long Do Oranda Goldfish Live?
Goldfish are some of the longest lived aquarium fish you will find. An Oranda that is well cared for will live 20 to 30 years. But there are likely even older goldfish out there. Koi Carp are close relatives of goldfish and can live to be even older. The oldest documented koi was over 200 years old. Though, just like humans, a clean tank and a healthy diet go a long way in ensuring they reach a ripe old age.
Fun Fact: a Comet Goldfish sold at a carnival in 1956, lived to be 43 years old and holds the Guiness World Record for the Oldest Goldfish.
How Big Do Oranda Goldfish Grow?
An Oranda Goldfish will stop growing somewhere between 8 and 12 inches in length. They stay thick bodied their entire life, however. So you will want a spacious aquarium to help dilute the large amounts of ammonia these fish create.
The “one inch per gallon” rule works well for small fish like tetras. But for Orandas and other large fish, it’s not a good rule of thumb.
But don’t worry, even if they grow huge, they still won’t demand a bigger trailer.

Sexing Oranda Goldfish
Ever tried asking a goldfish its gender? Didn’t think so. Sexing male and female Oranda Goldfish is not very easy. In comets, shubunkins, and other thin-bodied goldfish the females will always be a little bit chunkier than males.
But all Orandas are quite thick. So how to tell the sexes apart? – Look for breeding tubercles.
Male Goldfish (and many other Cyprinids like Koi and Barbs) develop small white protrusions on their face, head, and gill covers. At first glance you might think your fish has ich. But these spots don’t spread beyond the front of the fish.
Females Goldfish can sometimes develop a few of these tubercles when ready to mate. But male Orandas will always have many more breeding tubercles! The males will also take an active interest in any females around. He will chase them around and try to shove away any other males following her.
Summary: male oranda goldfish are slimmer and may sport breeding tubercles on their pectoral fins and gills when they’re feeling amorous. Meanwhile, females get a fuller body when carrying eggs.
Optimal Water Conditions for Oranda Goldfish

Oranda Goldfish like their water as they are – balanced and full-bodied. Tracing back to ponds and slow-moving rivers in parts of Asia, Orandas have always enjoyed cooler and more neutral water temperatures.
Proactive water testing is a cornerstone of Oranda’s health and happiness!
Oranda Goldfish Water Temperature
As coldwater fish, an Oranda should be kept in conditions no warmer than 72-73℉. Fancy goldfish tend to be not as cold hardy as breeds closer to the wild forms. Comets and shubunkins can overwinter easily in ponds once the water temperature starts to reach the low 40’s.
CAUTION: Straying beyond this temperature bracket can stress Orandas, making them susceptible to ailments like swim bladder issues and fin rot. Such conditions also reduce their appetite and diminish their chances of breeding.
Regulating temperature is paramount for Oranda wellness.
But fancy goldfish may end up dying as they have been captive bred for generations in warmer conditions. Therefore a tank kept at room temperature aquariums is the best option for an Oranda goldfish!
Water Chemistry for Oranda Goldfish
A pH level of 7.0-8.0 is ideal for Oranda Goldfish. Although they can withstand a tad more acidic or alkaline water, it’s worth noting that drastic shifts can stress them, especially when it comes to breeding.
Other Recommended Product (Amazon): Aquarium Test Strips – 9-in-1 (Quick & Accurate)
Oranda Goldfish are robust, extremes are what you want to avoid. Tap water in most countries is already slightly alkaline so you don’t need to make many adjustments to the chemistry.
Goldfish are also quite resistant to elevated ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. They are excellent fish to cycle a new tank with (unless you prefer the fishless cycle). But this hardiness is no reason to skip out on water changes or not keep up with filter maintenance – Make sure the tank water is clean with a good filtration system. And always keep beneficial bacteria happy and nitrate levels low.
Monitoring your tank’s water parameters is essential to ensure they stay within the favorable range.
Tank Setup for Oranda Goldfish Care

The Oranda’s physical attributes, especially their wen, can sometimes affect the fish’s vision. Hence, a tank without sharp or pointy decorations is recommended to prevent them from accidentally injuring themselves.
Goldfish Tank Size
Goldfish need a spacious aquarium because they produce a lot of ammonia and poop. The water volume of a larger tank dilutes waste, keeping the concentrations from becoming toxic too quickly.
Orandas are also active fish and need the space just to be comfortable. A 20 gallon tank is the minimum tank size for an adult Oranda. And if you want to keep more than one you will need 10 gallons of space per extra Oranda.
A simple rule of thumb: more space equals a more flourishing fish.
Tank Decorations
A minimalist approach is best. Think IKEA for fish. Fine sand on the bottom of the tank will work as it’s gentle on their underbellies. Oranda Goldfish thrive in environments that merge the serenity of their origins with the luxury they embody. While they’re adaptable, a well-decorated, spacious tank allows them to truly thrive.
Here’s a curated list of tank adornments perfect for Orandas:
- Plants
- Rocks and Pebbles
- Substrate
- Ornaments and Caves
- Floating Plants
These regal swimmers deserve more than just room to roam; they need a kingdom.

Compatible Tank Mates for Oranda Goldfish
While orandas are peaceful fish, they aren’t up for roommates who nibble on their fins or compete aggressively for food. Think twice before you introduce them to other fish species. Other oranda goldfish orandas (yeah, it’s a mouthful) and some varieties of freshwater fish, such as the tea goldfish, can make for great tankmates.
Oranda goldfish tank mates should be chosen with care. You need fish that are not only peaceful but also thrive in a cold to cool water temperature. That said, many fish you will find at a tropical fish store can also live in an unheated aquarium. If you allow the temperature to reach 72-73℉ using a heater you hit the lower range for many peaceful tropical fish.
Good Tank Mates Oranda Goldfish that can coexist:
- Rosy Barbs, Koi, and Zebra Danios
- Dojo Loaches
- Corydoras Catfish (warmer end of the temperature range)
- Other Goldfish like Shubunkins, Ryukins, and Black Moors
CAUTION: when pairing them with faster or more aggressive fish, as Orandas can be outcompeted for food due to their slower, graceful nature.

Oranda Goldfish Diet
Ah, the epicurean section! These fish aren’t picky eaters. Goldfish are omnivorous and eat both plant and animal matter. Omnivores should be given a varied diet but the foundation can be a prepared formula. Goldfish pellets are the best option since flakes can get messy as your Oranda gets older.
What Do Oranda Goldfish Eat?
You can serve high-quality pellets, live foods like baby brine shrimp, and even occasional treats like tubifex worms, and so on. Brands that use too many cheap fillers like potato starch, wheat, and soy aren’t offering your fish much nutrition.
From this base you can then offer items like earthworms, small snails, pieces of krill, thawed bloodworms, brine shrimp, and so on. Goldfish have pharyngeal teeth in their throats made for crushing hard snail shells, by the way.
You can even offer soft leaved aquatic plants on occasion. Cabomba and Elodea bunches are inexpensive and easy to find in most pet stores. By dropping in a bunch you can provide a long-lasting source of fresh greenery for your Oranda goldfish to graze.
Orandas do eat some algae. But they don’t have sucking lips to remove it from hard surfaces like a Plecostomus does. They graze mostly on green hair algae that extends from rocks. This form of algae is more common in sunlit outdoor ponds than fish tanks.
Bon appétit!
How Often Should I Feed My Oranda Goldfish?
Think of them as toddlers – feed your oranda small amounts a couple of times a day. Overfeeding can lead to swim bladder disease. It’s a fine balance between treating them and ensuring they don’t get bloated.

Breeding Oranda Goldfish
Ah, the noble Oranda Goldfish! Breeding these regal swimmers involves a touch of the royal treatment and a dash of romance. A menu of rich foods such as daphnia and tubifex worms will light the romantic candle.
Ready to play matchmaker? Let’s dive in:
1. Secure a Love Palace: You can’t just expect these royals to start a family amidst the commoners. They crave intimacy and a touch of luxury. Set up a separate 20 to 30-gallon tank to give them their space to woo and be wooed.
2. Spruce Up Their Suite: This isn’t just any tank; think more along the lines of an aquatic honeymoon suite. Adorn with lush plants and hideaways. Yet, it doesn’t need to resemble Versailles. A few plants like Java fern and some smooth, rounded rocks will set the right ambiance.
3. Ambient Lighting: Think soft, romantic glows. You’re going for a moonlit serenade, not a rock concert. Dim the lights and let the magic happen.
How to Breed Oranda Goldfish?
The best way to get Oranda goldfish to spawn is to offer a wide variety of nutrient-rich foods. Goldfish need extra fat and protein to build eggs and sperm. Once you start offering them these foods the females will swell with eggs and the male will start to develop breeding tubercles on his face.
Lucky for you, here’s the secret recipe:
- Culinary Delights: It’s all about wining and dining. Offer a mix of live foods and high-quality freeze-dried treats like daphnia, tubifex worms, and brine shrimp. It’s the fishy equivalent of a candlelit dinner with a string quartet playing in the background.
- Water Wonders: A slight increase in water temperature is like playing their favorite love song on repeat. This simulates the warmer currents of breeding season, sending all the right signals.
How Can I Tell If an Oranda Goldfish is Pregnant?
Well, goldfish don’t really get “pregnant.” Instead, females fill up with eggs. They’ll look plumper and may become a little lazier. Goldfish are egg scatterers and provide no parental care to their young. Once a female Oranda is ready to spawn she will pair up with a male and the two fish head into weedy aquatic plants. They scatter their sticky eggs around, which attach to plant leaves.
Remember to separate the newly hatched fry from the adults – because, just like in nature, not every fishy parent understands the concept of “Do not eat.”
Once they release their eggs, which the males will then fertilize, you’ll have goldfish fry.
Here are the royal signals:
- Curvy Contours: When an Oranda female is ready to lay eggs, her belly becomes more pronounced and rounded. Think of it as the fish version of a maternity dress.
- Dazzling Display: A gravid Oranda tends to flaunt richer, more lustrous coloration. It’s nature’s way of saying, “I’m ready for the next chapter.”
- A Gentle Reminder: Breeding Orandas isn’t just a weekend project. It’s more like orchestrating a royal wedding with all the associated complexities. But if you’re diving into this venture, you’re clearly an Oranda aficionado!
For a step-by-step guide, the “Oranda Goldfish Breeding Masterclass” video could be your go-to resource. Because hey, seeing is believing, right?
Pro Tip: for successful breeding, consider isolating the eggs in a separate tank or breeding box to protect them from potential predators, including their own parents.

Frequently Asked Questions for Oranda Goldfish Care
Are Oranda Goldfish Easy to Care For?
While they’re not as demanding as a wild carp or as oxygen hungry as some other breeds, Oranda goldfish do come with their quirks. They require specific water parameters and are sensitive fish, so consider them the medium-difficulty level of fishkeeping.
Orandas are long-lived and also eat any prepared, fresh, or frozen food.
How Big Does an Oranda Goldfish Get?
Through selective breeding, the Oranda goldfish has gone from its humble carp roots to a showstopper. Expect your Oranda to grow anywhere from 8-12 inches. It’s their fashion-forward tail fin and dorsal fin that can make them seem larger than life!
NOTE: they reach their final adult size within a few years.
Are Oranda Goldfish Friendly?
Absolutely! But don’t expect them to fetch the morning newspaper. They’re sociable with tank mates and rarely aggressive. If you have other freshwater fish, they’ll probably get along with most of them.
They are compatible with any fish that won’t chase them around.
A fully grown Oranda might try and eat tiny tank mates like Guppies or Ghost Shrimp, however. And since they do prefer colder water conditions you should only choose tropical fish that do well in room temperature water, like Rosy Barbs and Zebra Danios.
Are Oranda Goldfish Suitable for Beginners?
Oranda goldfish might be a bit difficult for the absolute beginner. But with research and commitment, beginners can enjoy the beauty of the blue Oranda goldfish or its other vibrant counterparts.
How Can I Enhance the Color of My Oranda Goldfish?
Your fish is not a mood ring, but their color can pop with the right diet and environment. High-quality pellets and veggies can bring out their vibrancy. Ensure they have a clean environment because, just like us, they feel their best when their surroundings are at their best.
Are Oranda Goldfish Prone to Any Specific Diseases?
The worst part of the Oranda’s celebrity lifestyle? The paparazzi… I mean, fish lice. Ensure you’re purchasing your fish from a reputable local fish store to avoid such parasites.
Also, monitor water conditions to keep your fish healthy.
How Often Should I Change the Water in My Oranda Goldfish Tank?
A fresh environment is essential for a healthy fish.
Use an aquarium vacuum weekly to remove uneaten food and waste. Complete water changes aren’t necessary if you’re consistent with maintenance, but partial changes should happen regularly.
Can Oranda Goldfish Live with Other Types of Goldfish?
Yes! While some are known to be divas, Orandas typically mingle well with common goldfish and other tankmates. Ensure everyone has enough space, and your aquarium will look like a harmonious fishy fiesta.
What’s the Difference Between Oranda and Lionhead Goldfish?
While both are showstoppers, the main difference is their head growth. Lionheads lack a dorsal fin, which Orandas proudly flaunt. It’s like comparing high heels to sneakers; both are stylish in their own right!
How Can I Tell the Sex of Oranda Goldfish?
Sexing young fish, especially Orandas, is like trying to differentiate between identical twins. It’s tough. As they mature, males might develop white spots (tubercles) on their gills and pectoral fins during breeding seasons. But a surefire method? Ask them nicely on a date and see if they’re interested.
Kidding, the tubercles are your best bet.
What’s the Ideal Number of Oranda Goldfish in a Tank?
This isn’t a “how many Orandas can fit in a phone booth” challenge. Aim for 10-30 gallons per fish to ensure they have enough space to flaunt their fins.
Remember: a cramped fish is an unhappy fish.
How to Deal with Floating Issues in Oranda Goldfish?
Floating issues, often due to digestive problems, can be a concern. Offering them a varied diet, soaking their food to reduce air intake, and ensuring your water parameters are on point can help mitigate these issues.
Think of it as giving them a balanced fishy yoga and meditation routine.
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Craving More Aquatic Knowledge?
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- Chili Rasbora Guide: Dive into the colorful universe of the Chili Rasbora and unravel the mysteries of this stunning petite fish.
Expand your horizons, and keep that passion for fishkeeping flowing!

If you’ve stuck around till the end of this guide, congrats! 🎉
You’re well on your way to becoming the ultimate Oranda aficionado.
These fish, with their:
- Luxurious tail fins 🌊
- Distinctive hoods 👑
- Diva-like presence 🌟
Truly a sight to behold in any aquarium.
With the right care, you’ll ensure your Oranda goldfish are as healthy and fabulous as they deserve to be. Now, get out there, buy that perfect Oranda from your trusted fish store, and may your fish tank adventures be as smooth as a perfectly executed movie one-liner! 🐠🎬
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