Firefish Goby Care Guide (May 2024)

Picture this: your aquarium is home to a brilliant, fiery underwater comet streaking through your crystal-clear waters. Intrigued? I thought so!
Let me introduce you to the Firefish Goby, the aquatic world’s dazzling rockstar that’ll steal the show in your reef tank. But be warned, Fire Gobies come with their own set of quirks and challenges.
Caring for Firefish Gobies can be like taming a whirlwind, and here’s why:
- They require lots of hideaways to feel safe.
- Escape artists by nature.
- They can be territorial.
- Picky eaters – no basic flakes for these guys.
But fear not, my fellow aquarist! I’m here to help you navigate the glitzy, yet slightly high-maintenance world of Firefish Goby. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the know-how to create the ideal, captivating environment for these fiery little swimmers.
So let’s dive into the fiery, fire-scinating world of Firefish Gobies!
Firefish Goby Care and Information
Characteristic | Detail |
Scientific Name | Nemateleotris Magnifica |
Temperament | Peaceful; Solitary |
Care Level | Moderate |
Appearance | Vibrant Reddish-Orange Head, White Body |
Diet | Carnivorous |
Adult Size | 3 inches |
Lifespan | 3-5 years |
Water Temperature | 72-78℉ |
Water pH | 8.1-8.4 |
Tank Size | 20+ Gallons |
Optimal Water Conditions for FireFish Gobies
Firefish gobies require stable water conditions that closely resemble their wild habitat. The following parameters are essential for their well-being:
- pH: 8.1-8.4
- Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C)
- Salinity: 1.020-1.025 specific gravity
- Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels: As close to zero as possible
Regular water testing is crucial to maintain these parameters and ensure the health of your firefish gobies.
Additionally, to achieve the appropriate salinity levels for your firefish goby, use a trusted brand like Red Sea Marine Salt for mixing your saltwater.

Tank Setup for Fire Goby Care
A minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended for one firefish goby, with an additional 5 gallons for each additional goby. A tight-fitting lid is essential, as these fish are known jumpers.
A sandy substrate and plenty of live rock with ample hiding spaces are vital, as they love to dart in and out of crevices. PVC pipes can also be used to create hiding spots.
Recommended Product: Aquatop 100W Titanium Heater with Controller
Tank Decorations
When you’re setting up a Firefish Goby tank, think of it as your personal fishy interior design project. You’ll want to consider their natural habitat – the tropical reefs of the Indo-Pacific – and recreate a cozy underwater haven for your tiny, colorful friend.
Here’s a list of tank decorations that will make your FireFish Goby feel like it’s living in an aquatic paradise, minus the cocktails and beach umbrellas:
- Coral
- Live Rock
- Sandy Substrate (Pink)
- Caves and Overhangs
- Corals and Artificial Reef Decorations

Compatible Tank Mates for Firefish Goby Care
Firefish gobies are peaceful and can be kept with other peaceful, reef-compatible fish, such as clownfish, small gobies, shrimp gobies, and other small invertebrates.
Aggressive or predatory species should be avoided, as the firefish goby’s shy nature may cause them to hide more often and lead to stress. It’s best to keep only one firefish goby per tank or a mated pair, as they can be territorial towards their own species.
Pair your FireFish Goby with small, non-aggressive fish like these fantastic little cohabitants, and they’ll appreciate the tank space as much as I appreciate a good maple syrup:
- Clownfish
- Chromis
- Blennies
- Small Damselfish
- Other Gobies
Now, don’t go all “Van Wilder” and throw a fish kegger with aggressive or predatory tank mates, like larger wrasses, dottybacks, or any fish that might see your FireFish Goby as a snack. That’s like inviting a bear to your picnic – it won’t end well.

Fire fish Goby Diet: Mysis Shrimp
Firefish gobies are carnivorous and require a varied diet of meaty foods, including live or frozen mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and planktonic food. Their small guts mean that they need to be fed multiple times a day, ideally 2-3 times.
Supplement their diet with vitamin-enriched frozen foods, such as New Life Spectrum (300g), to provide them with essential nutrients.
Additionally, they will also graze on the small invertebrates and zooplankton growing within the live rock in the tank.

Breeding Firefish Gobies
Breeding firefish gobies in captivity can be challenging, but with the right conditions and a mated pair, it’s possible to achieve success.
Here are Quick Tips for Breeding Firefish Gobies:
- Choose a compatible pair.
- Mimic their natural habitat with live rock, caves, and crevices.
- Use dim, blue-toned lighting.
- Provide a varied, nutrient-rich diet.
- Be patient and observant.
Follow these tips for successful firefish goby breeding!
How Do I Condition Firefish Gobies to Spawn?
To condition firefish gobies for breeding, maintain optimal water conditions, and provide a high-quality diet that includes live mysis shrimp and vitamin-enriched foods.
A well-established tank with plenty of live rock and hiding spaces will also encourage spawning behavior.
How Can I Tell if a Firefish Goby is Pregnant?
It’s difficult to determine if a firefish goby is pregnant, as they don’t exhibit any significant physical changes. However, when ready to spawn, the male will prepare a nest by cleaning a cave or crevice within the live rock.
The female will then lay eggs within the nest, which the male will fertilize and guard until they hatch.

Frequently Asked Questions for FireFish Goby Care
Are FireFish Gobies Good Beginner Fish?
Yes, firefish gobies are considered great fish for beginners due to their hardy nature, small size, and adaptability to a range of water conditions.
However, they do require a well-maintained tank and a consistent feeding schedule.
Are FireFish Gobies Easy to Breed?
Breeding firefish gobies can be challenging, particularly for beginners. However, with a mated pair and the right tank conditions, it’s possible to breed them successfully.
What is FireFish Goby disease and how can it be prevented?
Firefish goby disease is a generic term for any illness or infection affecting firefish gobies. Maintaining optimal water conditions, providing a nutritious diet, and quarantining new fish before adding them to the tank can help prevent diseases.
How many FireFish Goby fish should be kept in a tank?
It’s best to keep only one firefish goby per tank or a mated pair, as they can be territorial towards their own species.
Can FireFish Goby fish live in a community tank with other fish?
Yes, firefish gobies can live in a community tank with other peaceful, reef-compatible fish and invertebrates.
How often should I change the water in my FireFish Goby fish tank?
Perform regular water changes of 10-20% every two weeks to maintain optimal water conditions for your firefish goby.
How Many FireFish Gobies Should I Keep?
Keep only one firefish goby per tank or a mated pair to prevent territorial disputes.
And hey, if you’re ready to flaunt your Firefish Goby or aquarium like it’s the red carpet, come join our Facebook group with over 470k+ members and growing!

Mandarin Dragonet | Saltwater Fish (Beginners)
In conclusion, the red firefish goby is a popular fish for nano reef tank enthusiasts due to its striking appearance and fascinating behavior. Proper care for the firefish goby requires attention to its unique swim bladder, which allows it to hover in groups above the reefs. Providing enough food during feeding time and ensuring the presence of appropriate tankmates, such as the magnificent dartfish, can contribute to a harmonious environment.
When introducing two gobies into the tank, consider mated pairs to minimize aggression. As a species native to the Indian Oceans, the red firefish thrives when provided with a PVC pipe or bolt hole as a hiding spot, mimicking its natural habitat.
Be mindful: other species or similar species in the tank, as the red firefish may feel threatened and retreat into hiding. Lastly, maintaining a clean and stable environment with sand and ample prey will help create a comfortable home for this captivating addition to any nano reef tank.
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