Mandarin Dragonet Care Guide (April 2024)

Ever wondered what it’d be like to have an underwater rainbow just casually swimming around in your aquarium? Yeah, me too!
Well, wonder no more, because Mandarin Dragonets are here to save the day! These vibrant fish can transform your fish tank into a colorful paradise, but they come with their own set of unique challenges.
You see, Mandarin Dragonets are kind of like the eccentric, artist-type cousin of your fish family – enchanting, but a little bit high-maintenance.
Here are a few reasons why:
- Very picky eaters and will only accept live food.
- Very sensitive to water parameters.
- They need a large tank with plenty of hiding places and live rock.
- Territorial and will fight with other fish or even their own kind.
Don’t worry, though. I’m here to guide you through the intricate world of Mandarin Dragonet care! By the end of this article, you’ll be armed with all the knowledge you need to turn your tank into a happy, healthy home for your spectacular new fishy friends.
So buckle up, grab your favorite beverage, and let’s dive into the mesmerizing world of Mandarin Dragonets!
Mandarin Dragonet Care and Information
Characteristic | Detail |
Scientific Name | Synchiropus splendidus |
Temperament | Peaceful; Solitary |
Care Level | Advanced |
Appearance | Vibrant Blue, Green, and Orange |
Diet | Carnivorous |
Adult Size | 3-4 inches |
Lifespan | 10-15 years |
Water Temperature | 72-78℉ |
Water pH | 8.1-8.4 |
Tank Size | 30+ Gallons |
Overview of the Vibrant Mandarin Fish
Mandarin Dragonet (Synchiropus Splendidus) also known as mandarin goby, green mandarin fish, and striped mandarinfish, is a saltwater fish belonging to the family Callionymidae.
Even sometimes known as the mandarin fish or the psychedelic mandarin fish, this small and vibrant fish makes an eye-catching addition to your aquarium.
Mandarin Dragonets are generally peaceful and may be compatible with various tankmates. However, they are not typically recommended for beginners due to their specific feeding requirements and need for a mature, well-established tank.
Though not related to dragons – Mandarin Dragonets earned their name due to their vivid coloration and unique appearance.
Mandarin Dragonet Appearance
The Mandarin Dragonet’s striking appearance sets it apart from many other marine fish species.
Their body is covered in a stunning mix of bright blue, green, and orange colors, with intricate, maze-like patterns. Mandarin Dragonets have a distinctive, flattened body shape with a large head and protruding eyes.
Mandarin Dragonets also possess unique, fan-like fins that add to their overall allure and give them a graceful appearance while swimming.
How Long Do Mandarin Dragonets Live?
Mandarin Dragonets can live up to 10-15 years in captivity, provided they are given appropriate care and housed in optimal conditions.
How Big do Mandarin Dragonets Grow?
Mandarin Dragonets are relatively small, reaching an adult size of about 3 to 4 inches. Their compact size makes them suitable for smaller saltwater tanks, but be sure to provide ample hiding places and a suitable environment for them to thrive.
Adequate space, proper nutrition, and good water quality are all essential for Mandarin Dragonets to reach their full size and maintain their vibrant colors.

Sexing Mandarin Dragonets
Discerning the gender of Mandarin Dragonets can be a somewhat challenging task due to their intricate colors and markings. Nevertheless, there are a few key differences that can help you identify the sex of your Mandarin Dragonets.
Male Mandarin Dragonets tend to have a more vibrant coloration and display more intricate patterns compared to their female counterparts. Females generally exhibit a slightly more subdued palette.
Additionally, males are characterized by a larger, elongated dorsal fin that extends beyond the tail fin. This striking feature serves as an essential visual cue when trying to determine the sex of your Mandarin Dragonets.

Optimal Water Conditions for Mandarin Dragonets
Mandarin Dragonets are marine fish native to the reefs of the Indo-Pacific region. To ensure their health and well-being in captivity, it is crucial to provide them with water conditions that closely mimic their natural environment.
These vibrant fish thrive in an aquarium with a gentle water flow, which can be achieved through the use of a low-flow powerhead or circulation pump.
They prefer stable temperatures, ranging from 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit (22-25 degrees Celsius).
Temperature fluctuations can cause stress to the fish and increase their vulnerability to diseases. Invest in a high-quality aquarium thermometer to monitor water temperature, and employ a heater to maintain consistent warmth.
As saltwater fish, Mandarin Dragonets are sensitive to water chemistry, requiring careful attention to parameters such as salinity, pH level, and water hardness.
The ideal salinity for Mandarin Dragonets is 1.023-1.025 specific gravity, while the optimal pH level ranges between 8.1-8.4 pH. The water hardness should be maintained between 8-12 dKH.
Proper filtration and maintenance are essential for keeping Mandarin Dragonets healthy. Choose a filtration system that effectively removes debris and waste without generating excessive water flow. Clean and maintain the filter regularly to ensure its optimal performance.
In addition to filtration, regular water changes are crucial for sustaining water quality. Perform a 15-25% water change bi-weekly to preserve a clean and healthy environment for your fish. By maintaining optimal water conditions, you can create a suitable habitat for Mandarin Dragonets to flourish.
Using a reliable kit like the API Saltwater Master Test Kit ensures the water quality in your marine aquarium is optimal.

Tank Setup for Mandarin Dragonet Care
So, first things first: size does matter. And by size, I mean tank size. Mandarin Dragonets may be small and fancy-looking, but they need their space to swim and play hide-and-seek.
That’s why I recommend a minimum of 30 gallons for a single Dragonet. Yeah, it’s like giving them their own Olympic-sized swimming pool.
Planning on having a whole party of Dragonets? No problem. Just add an extra 10 gallons for each additional fishy friend. This way, they can have the time of their lives without feeling crammed in like a can of sardines.

Compatible Tank Mates for Mandarin Dragonet Care
Mandarin Dragonets are peaceful marine fish that can coexist with various other fish species in a community tank, provided that their tank mates share similar temperaments and water requirements.
When selecting compatible tank mates for Mandarin Dragonets, it’s essential to choose other small, non-aggressive fish that will not compete for food or harass these delicate creatures.
Mandarin Dragonets thrive in the company of other peaceful, reef-safe fish that do not exhibit territorial behavior or prey on smaller species.
Here are some suitable fish to pair with your Mandarin Dragonets:
- Clownfish
- Small Gobies
- Blennies
- Royal Gramma
- Banggai Cardinalfish
In addition to fish tank mates, Mandarin Dragonets can also coexist with various invertebrates, such as shrimp, snails, and hermit crabs, which can help maintain the overall health of your aquarium ecosystem.

Mandarin Dragonet Diet: The Importance of Live Brine Shrimp
Mandarin Dragonets are picky eaters with a refined palate. They love to munch on small crustaceans, particularly copepods. But sometimes, they need a little variety. Cue the live brine shrimp.
NOTE: It’s important to remember that live brine shrimp should be considered a supplementary food source for Mandarin Dragonets, as a steady diet of copepods remains their primary nutritional requirement.
So, why live brine shrimp? For starters, these tasty treats are packed with nutrients and are super easy to culture at home. Plus, their wiggly dance entices even the most stubborn of Mandarin Dragonets to chow down.
WARNING: Be cautious when purchasing live brine shrimp. Ensure they’re free of harmful bacteria or parasites that could harm your finned friends. Buy here!
A diet of live food such as brine shrimp and mysis shrimp is crucial for these picky eaters. Supplement their diet with frozen food and copepods to ensure a balanced diet.
Breeding Mandarin Dragonets
Breeding Mandarin Dragonets can be challenging, requiring a stable and well-established aquarium. Live rock and live sand can provide an ideal breeding ground for these delicate fish.
How Do I Condition Mandarin Dragonets to Spawn?
Alright, lovebirds, let’s talk about getting your Mandarin Dragonets in the mood for love. A little mood lighting, perhaps? Just kidding.
But seriously, here’s what you need to do:
1 Keep ’em well-fed: A diverse diet rich in live foods, like copepods and brine shrimp, will help get your Mandarin Dragonets into tip-top breeding shape.
2 Set the stage: Create a cozy environment with plenty of hiding spots, live rock, and a fine sand substrate for the happy couple to feel comfortable and secure.
3 Keep the water pristine: Maintain optimal water parameters (salinity, pH, and temperature) to keep your fish healthy and ready for spawning.
NOTE: Mandarin Dragonet breeding is considered difficult and is not recommended for beginners. Patience and attention to detail are required.
Feed Mandarin Dragonets a high-quality diet and maintain pristine water conditions. Mimicking natural light cycles and providing ample hiding spots can also encourage spawning.
How Can I Tell if a Mandarin Dragonet is Pregnant?
Female Mandarin Dragonets store their eggs in their body, causing their abdomen to appear slightly swollen. When they’re ready to spawn, their belly may become rounder and more pronounced.
Mandarin Dragonets mainly rely on their pectoral fins for movement and steering. When they flap these fins at a speedy pace, they resemble hummingbirds of the coral reefs.
Behold, a pair of Mandarin Dragonets spawning in a reef tank:
Here are two mandarins flapping and spawning in a reef tank
Frequently Asked Questions for Mandarin Dragonet Care
Are Mandarin Dragonets Good Beginner Fish?
Much like trying a new hobby, Mandarin Dragonets (also known as mandarin goby or Synchiropus splendidus) can be a bit of a challenge for beginners.
These beautiful fish are notoriously picky eaters, feasting on live food like mysis shrimp and brine shrimp.
If you’re prepared to roll up your sleeves and put in the work, then by all means, dive in!
Are Mandarin Dragonets Easy to Breed?
Breeding Mandarin Dragonets is like perfecting a secret recipe—tricky and best left to the experts. A well-established reef tank with live rock and live sand is crucial for these finicky Mandarin Dragonets (little creatures).
Your local fish store can provide you with more information about breeding these marine fish.
What is mandarin dragonet disease and how can it be prevented?
Mandarin dragonet disease isn’t a punchline—it’s a serious condition caused by malnutrition. To keep these green mandarins in tip-top shape, make sure they’re munching on a diet of live food like brine shrimp and mysis shrimp.
Hand feeding or offering frozen food from your local fish store can also help keep them happy and healthy.
Well-being Signs:
- Transparent eyes
- Strong appetite
- Vibrant, consistent coloration
- Unharmed and whole fins
- Absence of parasites or illnesses
Cautionary Signs:
- Diminished color or hunger
- Presence of spots or fungus on body or mouth
- Lethargy
- Unusual swimming patterns
- Difficulty in breathing
- Decreased body weight
- Eyes appearing murky
- Tattered fins
- Swelling
How many mandarin dragonet fish should be kept in a tank?
Just like a good dinner party, the perfect number of Mandarin Dragonets in a tank is small and intimate.
A single Mandarin Dragonet or a bonded pair is your best bet, allowing them plenty of room to explore their live rock surroundings.
Can mandarin dragonet fish live in a community tank with other fish?
These interesting fish can coexist with other peaceful marine fish, but they do enjoy being the center of attention in a community tank.
To avoid any underwater rivalry, make sure their tankmates don’t compete for the same food sources.
How often should I change the water in my mandarin dragonet fish tank?
Think of your tank as a tiny, underwater oasis—it needs regular upkeep to stay pristine. Perform partial water changes every 1-2 weeks to ensure your Mandarin Dragonets are swimming in crystal-clear waters.
How Many Mandarin Dragonets Should I Keep?
As mentioned earlier, these orange and blue stunners are best kept solo or in a bonded pair. They like to have their own space to show off their vibrant colors and unique personality.
And hey, if you’re ready to flaunt your Mandarin Dragonet or aquarium like it’s the red carpet, come join our Facebook group with over 470k+ members and growing!
In conclusion, the Mandarin Dragonet (Synchiropus splendidus), one of the most beautiful and interesting marine aquarium fishes, is an amazing pet fish that requires a well-established tank and dedicated care.
Found in inshore reefs and boasting bright coloration, these captivating fish are a favorite among aquarists. However, their slow-moving nature and specific dietary needs make them a challenge to maintain in a reef tank.
Thriving in a reef aquarium with plenty of live rock, live sand, and a protein skimmer. Smaller tanks can house a single specimen, but a larger aquarium is necessary for a group, with one male per tank to prevent territorial disputes.
The ideal tankmates for these peaceful fish include other peaceful fish like coral beauty, royal gramma, and scooter blenny.
Feeding mandarin dragonets can be tricky, as they have a strong preference for live foods, such as live copepods, small crustaceans, and live brine shrimp. While they may slowly starve if not provided with a varied diet, some captive-bred mandarins will accept prepared foods, like frozen mysis shrimp and brine shrimp.
Regular visits to your local fish store for live foods are essential to keep these amazing fish well-fed.
Captive bred mandarins, including the spotted mandarin, red mandarin, and green mandarin, are more likely to accept prepared foods than their wild counterparts.
It’s important to ensure the mandarin fish are eating properly to maintain their bright coloration and interesting mazelike combination of blue, orange, and green patterns on their pectoral fins, dorsal fin, and dorsal spine.
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